Saturday, January 12, 2008

Our Life in Cradock; An Update

Hello All!
Here is our recent news :

Jackson turned 10 months old this week... He is one active little guy! He wakes up at about 6 am, takes ONE NAP around noon for an hour or two and then goes to bed around 8pm. He has been going to sleep earlier recently and when I stay up until midnight each night, I start to miss him! Over Christmas Jackson mastered stair climbing (Tony installed gates at the top and the bottom of our stairs when we returned home from Burke!) ~Jackson is a VERY FAST crawler and is into Everything! The other day he crawled under my desk, unplugged the lamp cord and put the plug prongs of the cord into his mouth! Thankfully I took that away from him as quickly as I could! ~Jackson's favorite "toys" are plastic cups and keys. His Grandma (my Mom) gave him measuring spoons and measuring cups as apart of his Christmas gifts - he loves them! Whenever Jackson sees Tony's "Virginia is for Lovers" Heart shaped key chain hanging out of his pocket Jackson grabs for it-and Tony gives him his keys and Jackson happily plays with them for quite some time :)

~Tony continues to work second shift at the Shipyard, working a weekend or two each month as well... The poor dear does nothing but work and sleep! We are so thankful he has a good job as a machinist at NGNN!... On Tony's weekends off he enjoys working on his organ. The organ is slowly coming together again! It looks beautiful- but the pipes are not in it yet! :) He is greatly looking forward to playing it again in the months ahead!

~I enjoy caring for Jackson and my new favorite outing is my weekly visit to my local thrift store. I usually spend $20 or less each time I visit... nearly all of our clothes are from there now :). They have great prices and they are getting "new" items in all the time! I also enjoy finding books there- I found "My Utmost for His Highest" yesterday for 45 cents! ~~~ I am also very excited to be getting closer to weening Jackson... I am now down to 4 pumps a day and Jackson has 3-4 bottles of milk a day... It is wonderful to start to have A LIFE again! I am excited that I am going to make it to a year on exclusively feeding him Momma Milk :)! What a roller coaster ride of emotions EPing has been! I now understand verses on "dying to self" MUCH better!!!! ~~Now that I have some free time I am getting involved in our community. I am a block captain for the Neighborhood Watch and I am making friends in the neighborhood! I am good friends with Officer B---(our NIO :Neighborhood Enforcement Officer) and he often stops his police car and has a chat with me. He calls me, "Smiley!" ~~ Also, I've been cleaning up our street weekly for a few months now (picking up all the litter!) and people are starting to notice! Ted L--- (head of the Neighborhood Watch) told me that over Christmas (when we were in NOVA) people asked him, "Where is that girl who picks up the trash?" :) The street was quite a mess when we got home, so I got right on it and picked up two large bags worth of trash! I love seeing the looks on peoples' faces --- of utter shock when they see me on my knees picking up trash ;). I am so thankful for our little home and I am excited to see what our neighborhood will be like in the years and months ahead. There are so many sweet people who live here... the others are slowly on their way out ;)! ~K~

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