Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Our Second Anniversary!

Yesterday Tony and I celebrated our second anniversary! I gave Tony three books, "The Passing of the Armies" By: Joshua Lawrence Chamberlain, A book about the Battle of Cold Harbor and a map-book of the Hampton Roads area (so we can figure out the back roads for some Model T drives)! Tony gave me lots of chocolate (Hey, I only have a few more baby pounds to lose, don't mess me up Hon! Hehe!) and three beautiful cards! :) I love you Tone'! ~K-Lo~ (Enjoy these pics from our wedding... Sigh, I was so buff two years ago... notice the photo of me carrying TONY into the reception!?! Yeah! It got a BIG Laugh.....It was Sweeeeet!)

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Jackson Baby :)

More Jackson photos! What can I say? I love my baby! :) Photos: 1. Droolie Boy! 2. Cute Sleeper! 3. Jackson on our scale. It looks like he weighs somewhere around 18-20 pounds. 4. Bath Time 5. Laughing in his Mirror

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

*Silly Post*

After that last serious post I decided I needed to lighten things up here a bit. These are some photos I found on king5.com a while ago of little froggies in Washington State! Aren't they cute? :)

Monday, September 10, 2007

My Marriage Testimony/ Random Thoughts and Advice for My Single Friends

Well, I guess it’s time for a “real” blog entry. I’ve been thinking quite a bit about the subjects of singleness and marriage recently. I am going to start off this post by giving you a little bit of my own background and testimony that God can and will do whatever it takes if it is His Will for you to be married.

My Marriage Testimony:

I was homeschooled by my Mother from K-12. We went to a small church and I didn’t know many guys who were “potentials”, and the guys I did know (with a few exceptions) always were telling me, “Karen, you are weird!” The only other major male figure in my life was my Dad and he pretty much kept to himself most of the time, and really the only time he ever talked to me he was angry with me, or wanted money --- that coupled with hearing often from guys, that I was “weird” brought me to the conclusion early in my teens that I was unlovable and that I would have to change a lot and wait a long time before a guy could ever love me. There were a few guys that showed interest in me in my teens, but I had high standards, had done a lot of reading on courtship/ Christian relationships and by God’s Grace and the Holy Spirit’s help, I didn’t seek out a guy to make me feel better about myself… I knew that I needed to wait and trust God for my future. When I was 20 years old, in our small little church, all of a sudden, quite a few younger girls got pregnant outside of marriage. In a strange way I was upset, because these girls sinned and got so much attention… and here I was trying to do the right thing and I felt like I was invisible and didn’t get attention at all for being “good”. Fast forward a few years- I went on eharmony.com because I heard the commercials every day at lunch while listening to Rush… I signed up, but soon my free month was over and nothing happened- I just got blocked out by most of the guys that I was matched with that looked promising. Then out of nowhere almost six months later I get an email from one of matches… Of course, it was Tony… We had a long distance relationship with visits every two months or so, for the next year and a half. We got engaged with my parents blessing a little over a year after Tony first emailed me. Nearly another year went by and then Tony moved from his home in Washington State to Virginia... and four months before the wedding my father changed his mind because he could not shame and control Tony. ... My Dad tried to control Tony, as he had done to us- but Tony would have none of it. Two weeks before the wedding I just broke down- the only way I could go through with the wedding was if I could walk down the aisle alone. I had to be "real", I could not walk down with my Dad knowing what he had said and done and what he was still saying and doing! I rejoiced as much as I could under the circumstances on our wedding day. My one thought through it all was, "God has brought us together and satan will not win today!" I could almost feel the Spiritual battle that was going on, on our wedding day. It was a blessing that we were able to celebrate God's faithfulness to us on that day! ~ Soon after our wedding we closed on a house in Portsmouth. We moved to Portsmouth a truck load at a time for the next few months. Tony looked for work for four months… and we go no calls… What hard time that was! I was crying, fasting, wailing and praying for the first few months of our marriage. Thankfully Tony was eventually hired by Northrop Grumman and boy were we thankful! Tony has been working at Northrop Grumman for a little over a year now, and as you know God has blessed us with our dear son, Jackson. God is faithful and He continues to take care of us! To God be the Glory!

My Random Thoughts/ Advice to My Single Friends:

---Please know that God can and will bring you a spouse, if that is His Will for your life. ~ His timing is perfect, He cares for you and the place you are right now is right where He wants you. Wherever you are in your life, God is your Father, He sees you and is caring for you in such a beautiful way. It may not seem so beautiful to you right now, but in time it will all make sense. If not on this earth, then in Heaven you will see He loved you and was working through it all.

---Be thankful for the freedom of singleness, you have so much extra time right now that you can use to serve the Lord. ~ “But, Karen, everyone tells me that! Stop it!” Well, sorry, but it’s so true! I love my husband and I love my baby very much, but I cannot just run out the door to the store anymore! - I have to get the baby changed, fed, strapped in his car seat, get my two bags- lug it all out to my car, put the two huge bags in, put the baby in, and once I get where I’m going I have get the stroller out…etc etc. Going anywhere takes a lot of time. How many times have you thanked the Lord that you can go out quickly, whenever you wish?

--And now to my favorite reason: when you are married and have a baby you are always doing laundry and housework. ~ I have come to love doing laundry and housework ;-D (Well, I'm still working on it!)! I do one to three loads of laundry every day! When you use cloth diapers you have to laundry at least every other day ;). And there is always housework that needs to be done. We have little c.1919 built little home, but there is always at least one floor that needs to be cleaned. Being a wife and mother involves work... and there's not much glory in most of the work! No one comes to you and gushingly says, "Oh!!!! I just want to thank you so much for cleaning the floors, doing the dishes, caring for the baby, going grocery shopping with the baby and doing three loads of laundry!!!, that was so Christlike and humble of you!" LOL!!! ~You learn to do all these things as unto the Lord, and you learn to die to yourself daily. "Me time" is a thing of the past most of time! But it is a joy when you learn to accept your duties and do them with JOY and not complaining! (I'm preaching to myself here, too!!!)

--Face the fact that even when you get married you will spend time alone, and you will be lonely. Yes, did you see that!?!? When you are married there will be times where you are lonely! ~ Tony works nights (3:30 pm – 12 midnight) and I actually spend more time alone now, than when I was single. His working nights is character building for me! I can get into a pity-party pretty easily, but I try to remember military wives whose husbands are deployed for months at a time… and I realize that I should be thankful that I can at least see my husband for a few hours each day. ~ If your Dad always worked a 9 -5 job be prepared that your husband may not work those same hours. Understand it is not wrong or evil if your husband must work hours that you do not particularly like - Once again, it is God who has given your husband his job and God knows exactly what He is doing. See this as yet another area that you should to submit your will, agenda and expectations to God.

---No matter what season of life we are in, we desire to be in someone else’s! ~ Continually pray that God will help you be content in the season you are in. I have to do this often myself! I long for Tony to get moved to day shift and for Jackson to be weaned...but if/when both of those things happen will I will no longer be in the season I am in! It is okay to cry and feel lonely, but trust God and be thankful for the season He has placed you in... and enjoy it, for it will soon be over!

---Being married does not equal being happy. I know of quite few young women who got married and then they found out that their new husband wasn’t perfect, as they thought he was! ;-D!!! ~ Everyone has sin. Marriage is work. Living with another persons’ sins is hard. It’s hard enough dealing with your own sin, but seeing someone else sin in the same area over and over can be very upsetting! ~ Develop a heart that forgives and is not unrealistic. No matter who you marry they will disappoint you and hurt you, at some point. The beauty is learning to love and forgive and grow closer to Christ. Without the Holy Spirit, I do not know how anyone can stay married!

Saturday, September 8, 2007

Labor Day visit to Colonal Williamsburg (Continued)

We had a great time visiting Colonial Williamsburg on Monday... We both got a good workout... me carrying baby Jackson in the Ergo carrier and Tony caring the baby bag! :) They had reenactors speaking from 2:30 pm till nearly 5 pm (The program was called: "Revolutionary City ~ Nation Builders")! The most memorable part of the day happened right after Patrick Henry's famous "Give me Liberty or Give me Death" speech… I left the speech a little early and went behind the Raleigh Tavern and changed Jackson’s diaper… I had just finished and was walking to the side of the Tavern, back to the main street and the man who played editor of the Virginia Gazette (I cannot remember his name!) and (the man who played) Patrick Henry were exiting out the back of the Tavern and I was in front of them, they saw me, followed me and caught up to me and they started having a conversation between the the two of them about Jackson… As I got to the sidewalk I realized they were somewhat addressing me/ wanted me to hear what they were saying, so I slowed down when I saw Tony waiting for me on the sidewalk… So he got to hear most of the conversation too!
(Patrick Henry is in the 3rd photo from the top and the Editor of the Gazette is in the 4th photo from the top.)
Here’s a gist of how the conversation went between the two men:

Editor of the Gazette: "I was like that once!"

Patrick Henry: "What, you were a little girl once?"

Editor of the Gazette: "No, I was a young boy once, like him, with Argyle socks! I grew up in Scotland you know!

....Editor of the Gazette: "You know God creates all babies…but some babies are just naturally more beautiful than others! And THIS is one of them! This is a Beautiful baby! He takes after his Mother in that way, of course!" "....Mr. Henry, won't you jump in with me? I'm digging a big enough pit for the both of us!"

(Because I was laughing, blushing and kind of walking away a bit)

Patrick Henry: "Indeed you are! …But he IS a beautiful baby!”


We also had a great time visiting Tony's favorite stop- the Cabinet Maker's Shop! Tony played the harpsichord (again) and talked with the harpsichord makers, the one older gentleman (he is in the last two pictures) made such a do-to over Jackson! It was so much fun! Jackson made many friends throughout the day! :)

Jackson is Six Months Old!

Jackson turned six months old yesterday! How the time flies! Every month, on the 7th, I take a bunch of photos in honor of Jackson's Month-Day... Here are just a few of the 100 or so photos I took today... gotta love digital!

Friday, September 7, 2007

Labor Day in Colonial Willamsburg

On Labor Day Tony, Jackson and I went to Colonial Williamsburg. It was quite a day! Jackson had so many admirers! This time Tony managed to get one of these conversations on tape! Tony wasn't looking into the view finder...just taping from the hip, so that is why it is a bit of center. Their was another Colonial lady and Gentleman playing a flute duet behind us, so you cannot hear the conversation perfectly (but the music is lovely), so I have written it out below!:

Lady: You’re looking the other way, aren’t you? Hello! …Ah, I knew there was a smile... You have a bit of a flirt in you too, hmm? …It is a young man, is it not?

K: “Jackson”

Lady: Why on earth is it that they always have the prettiest eyelashes? Little boys always have the prettiest eyelashes! Something their mothers and sisters would give the world for! ….Yes, you know were talking about you! …And not spoiled one little bit, I’m sure!

Monday, September 3, 2007

Well, Tony says my Blog is just all photos and not much else... So, how about a video!? :) Sorry, try as I might this is fast becoming an I-love-my-hubby-and-baby-blog! :) This is a video of Jackson laughing right before bedtime.. Eva, do you see your gift in the video!? We thank you for the rattle!!!

Sunday, September 2, 2007

Jackson, Baby!

I was just looking over my Blog and noticing the only pictures of Jackson are when he is sleeping and you cannot see his cute face... so here are a few of the THOUSANDS (it's true folks!) of photos I've taken of Jackson :) He is nearly six months old now! (I took these photos on Sept. 1st and 2nd) ~Photo descriptions: 1. Jackson doing his funny 'snorting laugh' 2. Drooling in the kitchen 3. Bath time! 4. His first time sitting by himself 5. After Bath time, lotion-ed up! 6. Showing his flexibility!

Burning the Midnight Oil!

Tony worked on re-roofing the second half of the garage roof today (Sunday). He worked from 3 pm... until... 11pm, with only one short break for some pizza! ~ I went outside around 9pm and took these pics, and then held a flashlight for him as he pounded away! ....Like I always say, this man knows what he's doing when it comes to fixing and building things! Way to go Tone! It looks GREAT!!!

Saturday, September 1, 2007

Our Little Home... Post One, Jackson's Room/My Craft Room

Some time ago I thought it would be fun to clean one room of the house at a time and then take photos of it... This is Jackson's Room/My Craft Room. In these photos you will see my rubber stamp collection in the stamp box holder Tony made when we first moved in), two bookcases Tony made (one on the wall and one along the top of the wall, he made them both since Jackson was born), Jackson's borrowed crib (Thank you Mrs. Aron!), our little changing area (no room for a changing table!) and my bookcase full of my cloth diaper stash and Jackson's onesies. ~~~~~The next improvement for this room will be a chest of drawers for Jackson's clothes (right now the closet it full of them)!

Tony Re-Roofs the Garage!

Today Tony decided it was time to re-roof our garage! He said the back part of the roof was deteriorating and the wood needed to be replaced... and then a new roof put on! So! We went to Lowe's and got all the needed supplies (and then Tony went back two more times later in the afternoon) and once we got home Tony got right to work! This guy is amazing! He knows how fix and build ANYTHING! He works long hours at the Shipyard (second shift!!!) and then on the weekends he does home projects! Pretty cool! Lucky Little KK (me)! ...Well it's about 7:30 pm now and Tony just came in... he got one side done today!