Friday, February 22, 2008

All This for 11 Cents!?!?! Thank you Walgreens!

Wow! I had a very successful trip to Walgreens today! My total for my first transaction came up negative eight cents! (Because of overage from the combining of Jane online coupons and Walgreens EasySaver in store coupons) I had to quickly toss in a "filler" - a chapstick. I was amazed at this deal my self... With the "filler" my total was 11 cents! What a blessing! I was able to get all the items the nurse from the pediatrician's office told me to get for Jackson's cough. After only paying 11 cents I decided I should spend some money at Walgreens (!!!), so I used my remaining Jane coupons and used the overage from the mascaras to get a humidifier for Jackson's room (another item the nurse recommended). The humidifier retailed for $30, but with the Jane overage (from the ES mascara coupons) I only paid $18.17! Sweet! :) I'm getting pretty good at this! Thanks HotCouponWorld and MoneySavingMom! (P.S. On these two transactions I saved $159.91)

All This for 11 Cents!?! Awesome!

Proof! I love an 11 cent total!

The Jane deal helped me get overage to buy a humidifier for Jackson's room!


Anonymous said...

Great job! It's nice you could work the deals to purchase items that were needed for your baby! Hope he gets to feeling better!:)

Sonshine said...

WOW! Good deals!

mike439 said...

this is a great example to all of us casual shoppers: you are seriously making this an extreme GAME! Super!!! keep it up!! the american way to get your VALUE! and keep entertained to always find a better deal!!you go girl!
rebecca miller