Monday, April 21, 2008

I love Overage!

These KY's have lots of overage at Wal-Mart- they are in the travel/trial size section at select stores! I am excited I finally found them at the 3rd Wal-Mart I tried. They are priced at $1.67 and there are coupons in the 3/9 Red Plums for $3.00 off any KY product... lots of overage! :)

Thursday, April 3, 2008

I LOVE Kroger! Saved $105.20, Spent $13.22

I have been having so much fun at Kroger this week! I went on Monday and got tons of the deals- went back again today and bought all of this (see photos below) for a total of $13.22! ...I'm starting to make friends with the cashiers at Kroger, as I go once or twice week. As I handed my coupons to the male cashier I told him that my total was going to be a dollar plus tax (my first transaction) and he said, "I bet the total is going to be at least $5"... and my total (on the first transaction) was $1.88! I mostly paid taxes, $o.91 was tax. He told me, he checked out a lady once, who got her total down to one cent...I have a bit more to learn to get that good! ~~~ I had coupons for just about everything I bought! The pizza crust was free after coupons, as was the cookie mix, the crescent rolls, and the Buddies bars!

Here are the totals for each item, after the buy 10 get $5 off promotion & coupons:
First Transaction:

8 Cookie Mixes (free)
3 J&J Buddies bars (free)
1 Dawn Detergent ($0.50) (Used a $1.50 off coupon)
8 Pizza crusts (free)
13 Cresant rolls (free)

Total: $1.88

Second Transaction:

10 Cottenelle ($0.49)
2 Ziplock ($1.20)
1 Grape Juice ($1.00)
5 Sweet Rolls (-$0.10 each) (These were the best deal: overage! Too bad they only had 5 left!)
2 Crescent Rolls (free)
3 J&J Buddies Bars (free)

1)Butter ($2.59) (we needed some to make the free cookies!)

(note: my math is off by +$0.03 ;-) )
Pre-Total: $10.36
Tax: $0.98
Total: $11.34

~~Want to learn how to do deals like these? Visit and! I love my new hobby! Couponing is so much fun!

Tony's organ comes in handy for displaying my deals!

A closer look... lots of rolls, cookies and pizza crust!

Yea for $.49 Cottonelle! Stocking up!

I LOVE long receipts! The coupons are the longest part of the receipts :)

Totals! First Receipt: total savings: $65 ~~ Second Receipt: $40.20